Jan Sargood
APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Jan is a highly skilled physiotherapist with over 30 years clinical experience. Having worked in rehabilitation and specialist sports centres prior to commencing her work in private practice, Jan has devoted years to looking at how we move, to find the best treatment approach for management of pain and injury.
She is extremely passionate in her approach and believes that there is an individual solution for each person.
Her special interests are; low back and neck pain, persistent sporting injuries and active management of arthritis and osteoporosis.
Outside of her work at Lilyfield Physio, Jan enjoys swimming, hiking, cycling, orienteering and taiko drumming.
- Back Pain
- Neck pain and Headaches
- Arthritis
- Chronic or persistent Sports injuries
"The most rewarding part of my life as a physiotherapist at Lilyfield Physio is finding simple solutions to help people move without pain. The exciting part is making the body become more robust for long lasting pain relief and a more active lifestyle."