
Is your spine taking sides?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine.  It is not a precise diagnosis and not usually associated with pain but has both cosmetic and physiological effects on an individual.

What causes scoliosis?

A scoliosis refers to an atypical curvature of the spine. It may be referred to as “structural” or as “non-structural”.

  • Structural scoliosis
    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis affecting children between the ages of 11 and 18, is by far the most common category of structural scoliosis.
    Small curves can be managed conservatively with observation and targeted exercise.  Wearing a brace may also be recommended. Corrective surgery is reserved for rapidly growing or larger curves.
  • Non-structural scoliosis
    Also known as functional scoliosis. This is seen when the scoliosis results from a leg length difference or muscle spasm due to pain or inflammation. The spine’s structure remains normal and will often resolve when the causes are treated.

How can Physiotherapy help you with your scoliosis?

  • In structural scoliosis, the curve of the spine is not reversible, but depending on the severity, improvements can be seen with specialised exercise programs and changes to habitual movements and postures.
    A good exercise plan will address how your spine is supported by both legs and will focus on how your body maintains balance and prepares for shock absorption as well as tackling weak and tight muscles.
  • In non-structural scoliosis treatment will be guided by the cause of the scoliosis and often includes a combination of joint mobilisation, soft tissue techniques to release tight muscles and fascia, along with tailored exercise instruction to address asymmetrical muscle activity.

Contact us for further information or book an appointment to see one of our physiotherapists

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