Tips to help with Shoulder Pain in Golfers

Shoulder Pain in Golfers really decreases your club head speed

The lead shoulder will often develop pain at the back, due to either overload of the rotator cuff on impacting the ground as the club head is released. Alternatively, strain may be placed on the posterior capsule or glenoid labrum (cartilage), when golfers keep the left arm tight to the chest as they swing back. This will place strain on the back of the shoulder joint as separation occurs. As always an efficient swing using good hip drive will always place less strain on the upper body.

Three simple tips on how to reduce strain on your shoulder are:

Do not over slouch

When you are in a slouched golf posture with rounded shoulders at address, this will place your shoulder joint forward in the joint socket. This places greater stress on the posterior structures at the back of your shoulder. Keep your upper body with an open chest position and wide shoulders at address.


Golf swing poor posture

Slouched posture with shoulders sitting forward

Golf proper posture

Good posture with open chest and shoulders creating more natural spinal curves

Improve your thoracic rotation

The more you can turn your thoracic spine and allow back to face target, will in turn require less stress and separation at the back of your shoulder during the backswing. This will allow you to use your large trunk and leg muscles to store energy and develop power, offloading forces placed on your arms.


Golf swing poor posture

Poor trunk coil turn creates more separation and stress on the shoulder

Golf proper posture

Good trunk coil turn creates less separation and stress on the shoulder

Keep your left arm relaxed

If you straighten and stiffen your lead arm, this will result in more vibration and forces travelling up your arm, placing stress on the posterior cuff of your shoulder. Try to keep your arms soft and relaxed, then turn your thoracic spine to generate shoulder turn.


Too much tension in arms and gripping tightly increased loading into shoulder

Too much tension in arms and gripping tightly increases loading into shoulder

Relaxed arms

Relaxed arms and light grip pressure reduce loading on the shoulder