8 reasons why you should Strength Train

Strength training

There’s more to strength training than meets the eye…….

strength training benefitsMost people have heard of strength or resistance training and know that it is good for them. We are often told to do resistance training as it helps increase muscular strength, but why is that a good thing?

Listed below are benefits of strength training, some of which you would have heard, and some that may come as a surprise.

  • Burns more energy than steady state aerobic exercise. When we strength train we build muscle mass which decreases our fat percentage. Muscles burn more energy than fat which improves our metabolism.
  • Improves bone density and bone health. When muscles contract the tendons pull on the bones which increases the loading placed on the bones. Bone density improves by loading based exercises, which will reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
  • Helps reduce risk of disease and chronic conditions. Having stronger muscles will help improve symptoms of arthritis, musculoskeletal and joint pain.
  • Assists in the reversal of age-related muscle loss known as Sarcopenia.
  • Reduces anxiety symptoms among healthy adults and improves self-esteem.
  • Reductions in pain intensity for those with low back pain, osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia.
  • strength trainingImproves brain function among older adults.
  • Muscle mass and strength can improve relatively quickly, and some people will begin to experience improvements after a few weeks.

Lilyfield physio are big believers in the benefits of strength training. We find those who choose to undertake strength training two times or more a week will have the greatest benefit. We like to incorporate strength training into all of our classes, these include: Strength group, Clinical exercise, Fitbones, and Circuit Training. Using a variety of body weight movements, cables and pulleys, as well as dumbbell based exercise will help cover all bases in improving muscle strength and endurance.

Mental Health Benefits of Strength Training in Adults
Patrick J. O’Connor, PhD, Matthew P. Herring, MS, Amanda Caravalho
First Published May 7, 2010 Review Article

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