Model walk

  THE MODEL WALK …. Have you got it? We all know that sashaying gait which models adopt on the runway. This has evolved as an art form to display clothing over a very short distance. It is not sustainable or desirable as a means of transport or an efficient exercise activity. When we see…

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I’ve torn my ACL! Do I need surgery?

I’ve torn my ACL! Do I need surgery?

ACL reconstruction surgery vs non-surgical rehabilitation So, you’ve torn your ACL. Everyone from your mother to your dry cleaner will have an opinion on what to do. Even health professionals such as your doctor, physio or orthopaedic specialist may even have differing opinions on how you should proceed. It can get very confusing to know…

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So you are out of alignment!!

body out of alignment

Apparently your back is “out”! Should you be concerned? Most people who have seen a medical professional for back or neck pain, have probably been told at some point they are out of alignment and this needs to be corrected by treatments including manipulation, orthotics and other forms of manual therapy. This will often give…

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Should I use ice or my heat packs for pain relief?

Should I use ice or my heat packs for pain relief?

Ice or Heat? It’s a commonly asked question we hear every day. The application of either heat or ice can be an extremely simple and effective way of treating pain in a number of different conditions and injuries. Both are easily accessible and cheaply available. The problem is knowing what situations calls for heat, and…

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In the past! For many years, some medical professionals have told patients their problem is caused by their foot striking the ground incorrectly. To overcome their problem and become pain free, they have been prescribed custom orthotic insoles for their shoes, often at high cost to the client. Evidence! However, there seems to be a…

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8 reasons why you should Strength Train

Strength training

There’s more to strength training than meets the eye……. Most people have heard of strength or resistance training and know that it is good for them. We are often told to do resistance training as it helps increase muscular strength, but why is that a good thing? Listed below are benefits of strength training, some…

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The role of Foam Rolling!

Foam rolling knee

How can Foam Rolling help your knee pain? Foam rolling has become very fashionable in the fitness and sporting arenas in recent times, however there is still considerable debate to its’ effectiveness and when it should be used, especially in relation to Runners Knee or Anterior Knee Pain. Runners Knee or anterior knee pain are…

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What is HIIT?

What is HiiT

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of training modality used in exercise to get maximum bang for your buck. HIIT is a type of workout using short bursts of exercise that get the heart rate elevated, followed by a short rest period, and then repeated multiple times to match the fitness level of…

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When are the P.O.L.I.C.E. called for?

When are the P.O.L.I.C.E. called for?, POLICE sign

Chronic connective tissue injuries occur in both tendons and fascia from repetitive occupational and sports loading, causing tissue failure. Patella Achilles Hamstring Gluteal Rotator cuff Golfers / Tennis elbow Plantar fasciitis   It is important to ensure these injuries are managed effectively in the acute stage. Early and appropriate loading will promote healing and quality of…

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If you’ve played soccer competitively then you’ll know how the sport can put strains on your legs, especially your knees.

Soccer Injuries – How Often & Why? Most soccer injuries affect the lower extremities and current research shows that most soccer injuries are caused by direct trauma, such as a collision with an opponent or landing awkwardly from a jump. Approximately one quarter to one third of all soccer injuries are due to indirect trauma…

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