Knee Pain
Understanding Injuries to the Knee: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatments
Knee pain can be a sign of underlying injuries to the knee. It is essential to recognise the different injuries, their symptoms, and the appropriate treatments. This article provides a concise overview of knee injuries, aiding in symptom identification, and guiding you through treatment possibilities for a safe and efficient recovery. Key Takeaways The…
Read MoreOsteoarthritis (OA) Diagnosis & treatment
What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common form of arthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage, the protective tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint. Unlike other types of arthritis that may be related to autoimmune or inflammatory processes, osteoarthritis primarily involves the gradual breakdown of cartilage…
Read MoreNDIS Physiotherapy
Disability in Australia Over 4 million Australians live with some type of disability that affects their mobility, mental, or sensory functions. Treatment and support for a disability can be received through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS Physiotherapy can address a wide range of health conditions and help patients improve their well-being to live…
Read MoreTotal Knee Replacement Surgery
As you age throughout life, your knee may become severely damaged by arthritic change or an injury. As a result, it may be hard for you to perform simple everyday activities such as walking or climbing stairs. Your knee may even become problematic at rest, where you feel pain while you rest at night…
Read MoreWhy Knee/ACL Injuries Are so Common in Soccer
With all the sudden directional changes, rapid pivoting, and constant accelerating and decelerating, soccer places a significant stress on the knees. This makes knee injuries during soccer a common occurrence.
Read MoreThe Difference Between Pilates and Clinical Pilates
Pilates and Clinical Pilates may sound identical, but they have several key differences in application and practice. Here, we’ll cover what Clinical Pilates is, the benefits of Clinical Pilates, and the difference between regular Pilates and Clinical Pilates so you can decide which type would be most beneficial to you.
Read MoreAdolescent knee pain – Osgood Schlatter’s disease
Should our kids experience knee pain? Knee pain can be a common complaint in our adolescents, one of the most common causes being “growing pain”. 2 common causes being: Osgood Schlatter’s disease Sinding-Larsen Johansson syndrome Yes, these are both a mouthful, falling under the term “growing pain” and differentiated by pain location. But what is…
Read MoreLifting – What is the safest way?
Squat or Stoop Lift! The two common ways to lift are either a squat lift or stoop lift. Squat lifting attempts to use the legs by bending the knees and keeping the back straight. Stoop lifting is quite the opposite, where the legs are kept straighter, and the spine bends forward. In the middle of…
Read MoreIcing and acute injury management – the latest hot (or cold) topic
Icing and acute injury management – the latest hot (or cold) topic With the silly season around the corner, some of us may get caught out with a new injury and not be able to seek the help we need in time and left unsure of what to do. Most are aware of the long-standing…
THE MODEL WALK …. Have you got it? We all know that sashaying gait which models adopt on the runway. This has evolved as an art form to display clothing over a very short distance. It is not sustainable or desirable as a means of transport or an efficient exercise activity. When we see…
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