Health News
Shockwave Therapy
What is Shockwave therapy? Shockwave therapy, also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), is a non-invasive therapeutic intervention that utilises high-energy acoustic waves. It is believed to stimulate healing for various musculoskeletal disorders. It has primarily been used in the field of orthopedics and sports medicine but has also found applications in other medical specialties.…
Read More“What is the best exercise for me? Strength training or Cardio?”
Nearly everyone questions what is better for exercise, weight training or cardio? The answer is both are extremely important. Your goal will guide you to what training is best for you, however this does not mean that you only do one method of training. If you are rehabilitating an injury or training to increase…
Read MoreIs running bad for my knees?
What about my knees? Adults are recommended that they achieve 150 minutes of moderate activity per week to improve our health and running is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that helps us to achieve this. There is a persistent misconception about running and knee degeneration and the following beliefs tend to be quite common:…
Read MoreMisconceptions of Chronic Low Back Pain?
Moving will make my back pain worse? Initially some movements can be uncomfortable when you first develop back pain, it is well documented that returning to movement and work as soon as you are able, is much better for recovery and preventing recurrence than bed rest. People fear bending and twisting, but it is essential…
Read MoreCortisone Injections – is it the right option for me?
You are in a lot of pain and have just seen your doctor who has recommended a cortisone injection. You have probably heard many conflicting opinions from friends and family on their experiences with cortisone, some will have great stories of miraculous pain relief, some people may have found it an invasive procedure that offered…
Read MoreShould you be concerned about your scan results?
Scan Results! Does this sound familiar…you’ve had a pretty bad back pain for some time, so you have been sent for an X-ray or MRI. The results show that you have: A disc bulge A disc protrusion Disc degeneration Spondylolisthesis Joint degeneration Any or all of these can sound quite threatening when coming from your…
Read MoreShould I use ice or my heat packs for pain relief?
Ice or Heat? It’s a commonly asked question we hear every day. The application of either heat or ice can be an extremely simple and effective way of treating pain in a number of different conditions and injuries. Both are easily accessible and cheaply available. The problem is knowing what situations calls for heat, and…
In the past! For many years, some medical professionals have told patients their problem is caused by their foot striking the ground incorrectly. To overcome their problem and become pain free, they have been prescribed custom orthotic insoles for their shoes, often at high cost to the client. Evidence! However, there seems to be a…
Read More8 reasons why you should Strength Train
There’s more to strength training than meets the eye……. Most people have heard of strength or resistance training and know that it is good for them. We are often told to do resistance training as it helps increase muscular strength, but why is that a good thing? Listed below are benefits of strength training, some…
It’s a pain in the Neck! 30% of us will experience at least one episode of neck pain every year and it is the fourth leading cause of disability. Facts and figures aside, it can have a profound impact on daily life, affecting our mood, can cause headaches, and even disturb our sleep. How Physiotherapy…
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