Why do we get less flexible as we age?

  Why is it, that as we get older, some things just get harder to do? Why don’t our bodies move as well as they used to? It is a well-established fact that we lose flexibility as we age. It can take us much longer to warm up during an activity, which can reduce our…

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Is Your Brain Helping Your Balance?

man jumping off rocks with proper balance

What is good balance? Having good balance can be simply thought of as the ability to maintain your body’s centre of gravity over your base of support with minimal sway and a sense of ease. What are we training when we do balance exercises? We often work with a series of exercises to help us…

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Living with Osteoarthritis


What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition which describes the life related changes we see in the cartilage of our joints which most commonly presents in the hands, knees and hips. In 2015, there were 2.2 million reported Australians (1 in 10) with osteoarthritis and the cost to the healthcare system is $2.1 billion…

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Exercise for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Exercise

Diagnosed with Osteoporosis or Osteopaenia? For the most part 90% of us reach our peak bone density in our early 20’s. From our late 20’s it is a slow and steady decline where we don’t build much more bone strength on top of this. Osteoporosis is the term we use when our bones become more…

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Is running bad for my knees?

Running and knees

What about my knees? Adults are recommended that they achieve 150 minutes of moderate activity per week to improve our health and running is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that helps us to achieve this. There is a persistent misconception about running and knee degeneration and the following beliefs tend to be quite common:…

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Exercise for the aging population

Resistance exercise

The Benefits! Exercise is good for all ages and in older adults can improve cardiovascular function, muscle strength and overall functional capacity, which has a role in maintaining independence for as long as possible². A meta analysis by Kelly and Kelly of the efficacy of aerobic exercise found regular exercise reduced the prevalence of hypertension…

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Exercise Physiology – What is it?

Exercise Physiologist

  What is an Exercise Physiologist? An exercise physiologist is a University qualified health professional who specialises in using exercise for therapeutic and medical reasons. They have a wide range of clientele they treat from the elderly to children, everyday people to high level athletes, and people with one or multiple conditions. The role of…

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8 reasons why you should Strength Train

Strength training

There’s more to strength training than meets the eye……. Most people have heard of strength or resistance training and know that it is good for them. We are often told to do resistance training as it helps increase muscular strength, but why is that a good thing? Listed below are benefits of strength training, some…

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Osteoporosis bone

How do lifestyle factors affect your bone strength? There are certain unavoidable factors such as such as age, gender and genetics that can increase your susceptibility of developing osteoporosis and addressing lifestyle factors can help to negate this. Lifestyle factors that increase risk Why exercise to strengthen your bones? It has been widely accepted by…

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